Coaching and Mentoring

Athletes have coaches and mentors for their sport, however more and more athletes are realising the benefits of having coaches and mentors for other parts of their life!

Why? Because an athlete is a human being first. They have similar needs to other human beings, however the majority of times these needs are not spoken about, as the focus is on their sporting performance. 

What is Coaching?

The International Coach Federation (ICF) refers to coaching as 

“partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” 

Coaching recognises the client as the expert in their own world (life and work) and knows every person is creative, resourceful, and whole.

Basically the coaching process is about support the client in identifying where they are now, where they would like to be and then supporting them to close that gap. The coach does this through –

  • discovering, clarifying, and aligning with where the client wants to be,
  • encouraging self-discovery and trust within themselves,
  • eliciting client-generated solutions and strategies,
  • keeping the client accountable and ensuring they are taking responsibility for themselves
  • providing support to the client.

Coaching and Mentoring With Us

Coaching and Mentoring at Sport Life Flow is delivered during regular sessions by telephone or Zoom, whichever is more convenient. We will do an initial 15-minute session to see if coaching is for you.

The client decides what to focus on for each coaching session (i.e. the content). As your coach, Jane will support you to develop awareness, explore options and make conscious choices so you can make the most of the opportunities that are presented to you (i.e. the process).

Every person is unique, so there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to coaching. We cater specifically for individual needs. There are options to suit everyone from one-hour sessions to regular monthly coaching. We also cater for teams.

At Sport Life Flow we focus on developing the whole-person – the emotional as well as the physical, the professional as well as the personal, the individual as well as the social relationships. 

Click on the images below to read more about different types of coaching and mentoring for the people we serve…


Please contact us to discuss your needs.